1. Shipping time from China to Hong Kong: The shipping time can vary depending on various factors such as the mode of Transportation, Customs Clearance, and distance. Generally, it can take a few days to a couple of weeks for goods to be shipped from mainland China to Hong Kong.
2. Shipping companies used in China: China has several shipping companies that handle both domestic and international shipments. Some popular shipping companies in China include China COSCO Shipping Corporation Limited, China Shipping Container Lines Co., Ltd., and China Merchants Group.
3. China Shipping Company headquarters: The headquarters of China COSCO Shipping Corporation Limited, one of the largest shipping companies in China, is located in Shanghai, China.
4. Hong Kong shipping duration: The shipping duration within Hong Kong can vary depending on various factors such as the type of shipping service used and the destination within Hong Kong. Local shipments within Hong Kong can generally be delivered within a day or two, while international shipments may take longer.
For the most up-to-date and accurate information on shipping from China to Hong Kong, Recommend contacting shipping companies or referring to reliable sources such as official websites or contacting relevant authorities.